Trimble FMX Plus – Basic Operation

30m 04sLevel
About This Tutorial
Your FmX Plus application is a powerful tool, allowing you to achieve precision in every row of every field. Look over the shoulder of technology specialist Travis Kelley as he walks you through the basic operations of FmX Plus. Master these steps to set up your system and get you up and running quickly. The more precise you are on the front end, the greater your final results. Learn how to make your FmX Plus work for you to increase accuracy, efficiency, and yield.
How to Set Up an Implement in FmX Plus
Travis Kelley demonstrates how easy it is to set up an implement in FmX Plus. Learn how to program your implement width, application width, swath width, and row spacing in minutes. It only takes a few clicks to have your implement configured and ready to run.
How to Set Up a Field in FmX Plus
Your output is only as good as your input. That’s why it’s so important to start out with the right information. Watch step-by-step as Travis Kelley sets up a new field in FmX Plus. Get a clear and thorough visual explanation of how to name the different line items to get the best reporting and results for your farming operation.
How to Set a Straight AB Line Inside of FmX Plus
One of the best things about a guidance system is the ability to set perfectly straight rows, increasing field efficiency and capacity. Setting a straight AB line determines parallel passes for your whole field. It’s as easy as selecting Point A and driving to Point B. The computer does the rest.
How to Copy Data Inside of FmX Plus
During the growing season, it’s often necessary to copy AB line data from one tractor to another, or to save your data so that you can look at field operations on your computer rather than on the guidance display screen. Travis Kelly walks you through the process. What type and size of USB drive do you need? How do you select the data you want to copy? Also learn how to avoid the pitfalls of overwriting data that you may already have saved.
How to Shift and Rename AB Lines Inside of FmX Plus
You may want to change your implement width or switch your middle between growing seasons, and that will require you to move your AB line. Travis Kelley explains how to determine the measurements for shifting rows and shows you how to make and manage those changes in FmX Plus. You can make permanent or temporary changes depending on your need, allowing you to keep your implement usage as precise as possible.
How to Set Up Acre Logging Inside of FmX Plus
Depending on your application, there are different ways that you can log your acres. With certain implements you will want to log using your manual engage button, but other implements will require the use of your remote engage switch. Learn how to use both options by watching these simple steps to set up and change your acre logging.
How to Change RTK Network Numbers Inside of FmX Plus
If your CMR drops and you need to switch to RTK service from a different tower, you can leave your field up and running while you change your GPS receiver to a different network. Travis Kelley answers some of the questions you may have in this process. Do you want to update your field to the new network or keep it saved to the original network where you first laid off the field? How does your correction age affect your accuracy, even with 100% CMR? How do you make the switch back to your original network? See how easy it is to change RTK network numbers as needed from anywhere in your field.
How to Enter Your Secure RTK Key Inside of FmX Plus
Each year you will receive an RTK key when you renew your subscription for RTK codes. Travis Kelley will walk you through how to set up your GPS receiver and enter your RTK key in the settings of FmX Plus. Complete the process by checking to make sure that you are receiving a signal, verifying that you have a valid RTK key.
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